2021 UBC China Forum

Opening Ceremony
Fri, March 19, 2021
6:00 PM PDT
Sat, March 20, 2021
9:00 AM CST
Canadian media personality and cultural ambassador
Yu Minhong
Founder and Chairman of New Oriental Education and Technology Group
Li Kai
Senior Associate Dean at the UBC Sauder School of Business

Day 1 - Ventures
The global pandemic and economic crisis have made most institutional and individual investors more cautious than ever. However, there is also an emergence of promising new venture capital opportunities. Moving forward in 2021, will investors evaluate deals differently? And what will the longer-term impact be on private companies looking for capital?
Fri, March 19, 2021
6:30 PM PDT
Sat, March 20, 2021
9:30 AM CST
William Ma
Former Chief Investment Officer of Noah Holdings

Fri, March 19, 2021
6:50 PM PDT
Sat, March 20, 2021
9:50 AM CST
Tytus Michalski
Managing Partner at Fresco Capital

Fri, March 19, 2021
19:20 PM PDT
Sat, March 20, 2021
10:20 AM CST
Song Hongbing
Author of the financial bestseller Currency Wars

Day 2 - Retail
The traditional retail industry is going through major shifts and is facing the retail apocalypse. How are companies reimagining the retail business by embracing e-commerce and conforming to new consumer habits? How are companies resetting expectations due to the pandemic? And how are companies planning to recover the customer experience in the future?
Sat, March 20, 2021
6:10 PM PDT
Sun, March 21, 2021
9:10 AM CST
Zhao Yingming
Vice President of JD Retail

Sat, March 20, 2021
6:30 PM PDT
Sun, March 21, 2021
9:30 AM CST
John Lee
Former CEO and Vice Chairman of Tom Lee Music

Sun, March 20, 2021
7:00 PM PDT
Mon, March 21, 2021
10:00 AM CST
Spencer Xu
Founder, Chairman, and CEO of SnapPay

Day 3 - Technology
The speed of information exchange has never been faster as we step into the era of 5G. The fifth-generation technology is bringing about a virtual boom where cloud-based services and the enormous amount of data available is serving as the driving force behind businesses. As everyday life becomes more automated with algorithms and artificial intelligence, how will societies change in this new era?
Sun, March 21, 2021
6:40 PM PDT
Mon, March 22, 2021
9:40 AM CST
Bill Tam
Co-Founder and COO of the Digital Technology Supercluster

Andreas Weigend
Former Chief Scientist of Amazon and the author of the book Data for the People

Olivera Zatezalo
Chief Security Officer of Huawei Canada

Chris Pereira
President and CEO of Canadian Ecosystem Institute

Day 4 - International Relations
China’s advancement in the 21st century requires a multi-narrative understanding. How can China-Canada’s relations be strengthened despite their differences? How has the onset of COVID-19 affected the two countries and what will be its impact going forward? And what should be Canada’s position in the increasingly complex relationship between the United States and China?
Mon, March 22, 2021
6:05 PM PDT
Tue, March 23, 2021
9:05 AM CST
Ma Li
Professor of international negotiation at Peking University

Mon, March 22, 2021
6:25 PM PDT
Tue, March 23, 2021
9:25 AM CST
Shen Dingli
Professor of international relations at Fudan University

Mon, March 22, 2021
6:55 PM PDT
Tue, March 23, 2021
9:55 AM CST
Paul Evans
Professor of Asian and trans-Pacific international relations at the University of British Columbia

Zhen Han
Professor of political science at the University of British Columbia

Closing Ceremony
Mon, March 22, 2021
7:45 PM PDT
Tue, March 23, 2021
10:45 AM CST
Michael Hawes
CEO of Fulbright Canada
Paul Lee
Founder and Managing Partner of Vanedge Capital Partners

Guo Jun
Chief Consul, Education Office, Chinese Consulate General in Vancouver